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      Jinan Docon Science and Technology Development Company  founded in 1997,  which  focuses on the research, development, production and sales of the processing equipment after printing.The corporation has developed glue binding machine,digital foil printer, paper cutter,paper creasing machine ,hardcover case maker, laminator and other products. We have a number of national patents, and have evolved into a number of series of machines. The products are suitable to make financial files, other types of books, documents, bills and other documents after printing in the printing centers and design institutes, the small printing factory, banks and other institutes. The products are popular in many countries all around the world.

联系我们: 泗洪县| 张家口市| 峨眉山市| 高邮市| 林芝县| 普定县| 屏南县| 乐至县| 余江县| 彰化市| 普宁市| 财经| 浦城县| 丹江口市| 彭阳县| 右玉县| 辉南县| 寿光市| 晴隆县| 调兵山市| 白城市| 喀什市| 庆元县| 乌兰察布市| 翼城县| 巴里| 凤台县| 清河县| 江山市| 沈阳市| 永昌县| 文成县| 肇东市| 巴马| 遵义县| 马龙县| 团风县| 通州区| 湖北省| 刚察县| 扶余县|